
Why from Genso

Genso Solar - Key Features

Throughout the period, Genso maintained set of technology discipline which helped us to emerge as a trusted technology partner for the renewable energy industry in Sri Lanka.


We design a solution to last minimum three decades. There is a very narrow space for us to try different technologies at our customer expenses. It is proven that the String Inverters are the choice of technology, after having years of evidences gathered. Recurrent failures shown with the use of individual optimizer and micro-inverter technology (at high temperatures conditions in SL) never troubled Genso clients at anytime.

Performance First

The final objective of a project - "Optimum Energy Yield", was never compromised for minor decorative elements. This avoids internal power consumption, purely unnecessary. Wide operational voltage range keeps the system running even at low lighting conditions. Our technology never became a burden to us or our customers.


Solar originally designed to run its own and maintenance free. Customer will have minimum involvement during its operations. Wi-Fi based Continuous remote monitoring and troubleshooting minimize failure rate and related production shortages.

Affordable Energy

We made solar affordable for all, genuinely. From the beginning, as a principle, we tried our best to make solar a feasible solution for many. We proved Genuine Chinese products can stand at the same levels with real German products. Genso has no price run against widely available fake Chinese products, labeled as "Made in Germany".

  • Shading
  • Latitude
  • Wind
  • Costal Breeze